Watch & Click, an exhibition featuring words and pictures dedicated to time at the Palazzo Morando in Milan.
Organised by VOGUE Gioiello and in partnership with Assorologi for the Vogue Fashion’s Night Out 2011.
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Watch & Click, an exhibition featuring words and pictures dedicated to time at the Palazzo Morando in Milan.
Organised by VOGUE Gioiello and in partnership with Assorologi for the Vogue Fashion’s Night Out 2011.
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Dalle origini ai nuovi progetti, filtrando informazioni ed emozioni attraverso le maglie del proprio vissuto, il volume “Mash-Up Theater ricci/forte” è un blog sul percorso dell’ensamble, tra i più vivaci del nuovo panorama del teatro di ricerca contemporaneo, e compone senza soluzione di continuità sguardi di studiosi, scrittori, critici, osservatori e artisti in un mosaico di ritratti frammentari.
Il libro contiene i testi degli spettacoli wunderkammer soap, ploutos and pinter’s anatomy di ricci/forte ed è corredato da un ricco apparato fotografico: Dom Agius, Daniele e Virginia Antonelli, Mirella Calderone, Brunella Giolivo, Heloise Lechat, Cedric Lefebvre, Alvise Nicoletti, Lucia Puricelli, Mauro Santucci, Lisa Sudhibhasilp.
With Shane Bradford, Oliver Clegg, Cedric Lefebvre, Ian Monroe, Ben Newton, Ayman Ramadan and Gavin Turk.
The exhibition aims to discuss and open the debate on the possible effects of the current economical downturn on the art world, and whether we have witnessed the demise of a hyper-expansive cultural epoch or, are about to experience a period of renewed creative transformation.
Presenting seven artists (working in various media), the show focuses on the various meanings of its title in relation to our contemporary environment and how these can be interpreted through artistic endeavour. On the one hand the ‘line’ can be seen as a demarcation between separate entities, a division between one and the other, between a starting point and an ending. On the other the ‘line’ could be construed as the line of production (the ceaseless mechanical cogs that drive our hyper-capitalist consumption) or the artists line of enquiry – the conceptual flesh and bones with which the artist as cipher conveys his/her contemporary viewpoint of the world, drawing on the knowledge and gains of his/her historical forbearers to position oneself within the grand narrative of art historical lineage.
The multiple art historical references in the selected artist’s works transcript the curator’s view as an optimistic outtake on the present situation “the history of art has been punctuated by rebirths and revivals and today’s end can only symbolizes a new chapter about to be written”.
From 29th May till 5th July 2009
Crimes Town Gallery, 110 Church Street N16 OJX, London (UK)
Group exhibition with international artists, curated by Predrag Pajdic
With Dom Agius, Oreet Ashery, Barney Ashton, Giampiero Assumma, Milijana Babic, Maja Bajevic, Tim Blake, Tomislav Brajnovic, Nemanja Cvijanovic, Roberto Foddai, Juan del Gado, Maurizio Giuseppucci, Daniel Holfeld, Cedric Lefebvre, Vesna Milicevic, Michael Petry, Jean-Gabriel Periot, Nada Prlja, Petra Reimann, Vladimir Tomic
Crime is defined as an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law. Punishment is a penalty for wrongdoing or misconduct, in particular for crime. But who decides what crime is? Is punishment the only way to respond to it? Could crime be observed as an absolute evil and punishment as the ultimate human way to deal with it? Do punishments fit their crimes? Should justice be equal punishment?
Through conceptual works, video installations, photography and live performances, a group of international artists examine the relationship between crime and punishment in a political historical, ethical, social and psychological context.
If on a chart, crime is white and punishment black, the gray in between is what this project is focusing on. Crime & Punishment – The Sequel is a nail-biting, thought-provoking exhibition conceived not to judge or even glorify justice but challenging it by entering into an edgy and uneasy zone. This territory of examinations will also touch upon guilt, shame, harm, injury, disgrace, quarrel, humiliation, vengeance, abuse, misuse, imprisonment, condemnation, morals, dominance, force, pain as well as pleasure of groups or individuals blinded by their own rigid rules and beliefs.